
TEXAS’ MOST SUCCESSFUL LITTER-FREE PROGRAM\n\n Since 1986, the Texas Department of Transportation has educated everyone that Don’t mess with Texas® means don’t litter. Through commercials, scholarships, partnerships, and trash clean-up…


…litter-free. Now, we’d like to share that information with you. Here, you’ll find litter facts, campaign trivia, litter-free crafts for kids and more. Keep checking this page to stay up…

Get Involved

HELP KEEP TEXAS CLEAN\n\n While the Don’t mess with Texas® campaign can help inform you about litter problems, we can’t do all the work ourselves. That’s where you come in!…

Campus Clean-Up

…places where litter tends to pile up. If you’d like to start keeping your campus litter-free, contact us and we’ll show you how to set up your own campus event.\n\n…


ANNUAL TEXAS TRASH-OFF!\n\n The Don’t mess with Texas® Trash-Off is the state’s largest one-day cleanup event. Every April, volunteers from all backgrounds—students, businesses, families, and more—come together to clear Texas…


…Texas® has answers! Please take a look at some of our frequently asked questions and find answers to your burning queries below.\n\n LITTER\n\n COMMERCIALS AND SPOKESPEOPLE\n\n LICENSING\n\n LICENSE REQUEST FORM\n\n…